Raised on stories of adventures at sea, Adeline is the free spirited and determined niece of Admiral Tucker. She is eager to make a difference when it comes to the plight of animals and the careless interaction of humans.

Though she is always grossed out by Digger’s antics, she really likes him deep down. Clearly, Adeline is the heroine of all the gang’s adventures even though she gets them into all sorts of trouble through her stubbornness and “bull at a gate” attitude.

Age: 16, but I’m very mature for my age.
Favourite Food: I’m always eating fruit. Plus, I like any of Digger’s favourite recipes but I’m very wary of some things he makes me try.
Favourite Sayings: “Too much information!” & “Talk to the hand.”
Favourite Animal: Seals, Sea Turtles and Albatrosses.
Hobbies & Interests: Healing any injured wildlife, jumping off Albert’s head into the ocean and exploring.