
Admiral Tucker was the one responsible for bringing Albert Tross back from the brink of despair, befriending and restoring his confidence. The Admiral is fascinated with the world’s geography and wildlife, and considers himself a real expert. A captain of the seas he is both the master and the student, and with Albert Tross as his desk, his classroom is the globe.

Many adventures with Albert, plus learning from his mistakes, have brought wisdom to the Admiral’s repertoire of talents. His main concern is the protection and conservation of animals which he shares with the rest of the crew. The Admiral has also been intrigued by myths and legends of the world, especially after he met Albert Tross who proved they DO exist.

Age: 45. And that's the last we hear of it!
Favourite Food: Fish and chips.
Favourite Sayings: "I’m flabbergasted!" and "herdup!" which means stop or look out.
Favourite Animal: I love them all, especially marine wildlife.
Hobbies & Interests: Fishing with Albert and eating what we catch; Myths & legends; Oxymorons like “she’s pretty ugly”.